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Character Factory

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Making a new character? Perhaps you want to create a new one? Or perhaps there's an expecting parent who was asked to register their baby. You've come to the right place to register your character so it is easier for everyone to access deeper information.

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Here is where you will post your Character Logs and your Thread Tracker.

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Haha you thought you were dominating the world. YOU ARE WRONG. This is where you will come and put up a plotter if you are wanting to do something with your character or just to see what kind of things your characters can do with the rest of the world. Well here is the place to do it.
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The northern part of Alaistair is casually littered with abandoned, crumbling farms and cabins. Most of the water is supplied in Blackfall, but Morview and Rosemere have their sources of water as well. Though only Blackfall is able to be claimed, Morview and Rosemere are perfect places for herds to call home. From a huge forest to flat lands to lumpy hills, the North is a very beautiful place to reside. Will you choose the North as your forever-ish home?

~If you have questions regarding claiming lands, please contact Skaar so we can work out a thread.~
To a New Beginning by Echo. on Feb 22, 2019 17:44:46 GMT -5

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RULER: Overseer

The western part of Alaistair are lands that hug the ocean's touch. From Norhurst, who lines the coast with the forest that touches close to the shore lines. As you move further north of this western land is the land known as Elflake. The massive clear lake opens up to the ocean and being the land that is mostly covered with the trees and mountains. Though there is one part of this western land that hides a secret. This land is known as Beechhaven. I just warn you to be careful with each place that you wander into. Some of these lands can make it hard to come back out into the real world. So where do you dare to travel to now?

~If you have any questions regarding claiming lands, please contact Echo so we can work out a thread~
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RULER: Overseer

In the eastern lands of Alaistair, is a beautiful bit of land. Where the massive cedar trees linger in the land known as Dellhedge. Slowly changing to the forest covered mountains of Esterwind. The winds are strong and where only the strong seem to go and test their strength. Then, of course, the mountains slowly fading down into the rolling hills of Lochpine. The last bit of human civilization has been left within these lands, though the land doesn't have many trees lingering about. So where do you think you belong? Can you take high winds? Or do you prefer to wander in the last bit of standing buildings that are in the rolling hills?

~If you have any questions regarding claiming lands, please contact Echo so we can work out a thread.~
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The southern part of Alaistair is the wasteland. It is for banished horses, mostly, but Oldfort is very much alive and claimable. From 'The Dead Zone', to the abandoned town, to a burned down forest the South is no pretty sight. It is a wonderful environment for scavenging predators because of the starving herbivores, so watch your young as well as your own back. Will you choose to raise your family in the South or will you find yourself here due to a horrific mistake?

~If you have questions regarding claiming lands, please contact Skaar so we can work out a thread.~
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Out of Character

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Trying out some new codes for posting? Well, here is the place to do that. Please just make sure you do it all in your own thread and do not make a lot of threads to test different codes.

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Would you like to get to know your fellow role-players. Here is where you can do exactly that.

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Echo.: YOUR FATHER XD Feb 14, 2016 19:57:51 GMT -5
Skaar: YOUR MOTHER XD Feb 15, 2016 2:07:51 GMT -5
Echo.: YOUR....YOUR BROTHERS MOTHER XD Feb 15, 2016 11:51:43 GMT -5
Echo.: THATS THE POINT XD Feb 15, 2016 12:28:54 GMT -5
Echo.: i love our conversations XD Feb 15, 2016 12:29:29 GMT -5
Echo.: w-dog.net/wallpapers/0/71/401503397038757/water-ruins-beauty-temple-cambodia.jpg < SHOULD SO BE WHERE THE GUARDIANS LIVE! TEMPLE RUINS! and the green stuff is water XD Feb 15, 2016 12:36:27 GMT -5
Echo.: click dont copy the link u.u stupid shoutbox Feb 15, 2016 12:38:53 GMT -5
Skaar: yes i love it lol Feb 16, 2016 9:15:06 GMT -5
Echo.: lol yea I hadn't been able to fix it yet cuz when I did those you hadn't joined yet XD Feb 17, 2016 8:01:09 GMT -5
Skaar: so as i make descriptions for the lands i'm doing, i go in and realize you've got little notes of what they look like. oops xP Feb 18, 2016 0:37:40 GMT -5
Echo.: lol i even told you that XD -face palm- XD Feb 18, 2016 8:08:50 GMT -5
Skaar: *huffs, puffs, huffs some more* *flops on floor* Mar 17, 2016 21:06:27 GMT -5
Echo.: -flops around- Apr 1, 2016 11:48:23 GMT -5
Skaar: *licks face* Apr 3, 2016 21:26:02 GMT -5
Echo.: that moment when your history Is so long and you have to let them read it while your sitting here with no regrets for a long history for your character XD Apr 5, 2016 13:04:01 GMT -5
Skaar: lmfao xD Apr 5, 2016 14:39:00 GMT -5
Echo.: :3 you love me so its all good XD Apr 5, 2016 14:58:54 GMT -5
Skaar: lol very true Apr 5, 2016 16:29:22 GMT -5
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